Basically, there is no _practical_ WoL for the Raspberry Pi. It seem technically possible, at least they say that the NIC+USB chip HW supports it, but nobody needs it, so no project cares to make it. Everybody seem so happy about having a device consuming 5W max that leaving it on all the time seem more than normal even if it does productive work just a fraction of the time. Ok, let the time solve this, I'm happy too :)
Btw, there is WoL functionality for XBMC and their mobile remote. So, guys using it on the HW consuming tens of watts of energy, I encourage to try and to use it!
Cool feature of XBMC, Apple's AirPlay protocol, doesn't seem to work stable on Raspbmc. First, I was surprised by the functionality, you can't put the screen on the screen, you can just share photos, videos, music. Second, video is _very_ unstable and there are screen stretching issues which doesn't seem trivial to solve, you need to really dig into configuring the thing. I do not recommend it for now.
Btw, I had 1 Raspbmc crash since start, it just stopped to play internet radio once without obvious reason.
Otherwise, I'm still very happy with it.
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